"I have Autism, but Autism doesn't have me."

I started this blog to share my thoughts on what is life as a stay-at-home mom. With changes that have developed and shaped our characters here on the homestead, this is now Tristan's blog (Captain's log?) about life with Autism. We will be sharing various topics, focused on Autism, ranging from the professional focus to being in the parent's seat and how every day is different from yesterday and may not come close to tomorrow. There is much to continue learning when it comes to Autism, and as a family, we are sharing our experiences along the way. Pull up a chair, learn, then go out into the world and make a difference with what you've gleaned. Knowledge is Power!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

These are the Days Which Become Rare

The ease of slumber, the rested soul.....
As I type this passage and listen to the one man slumber party going on in the other room, I wonder where the days go with naps. Yes, I wrote an entry about naps being like the dinosaurs but I can't help but see priceless moments like these and photograph. I've taken pictures of just about every moment that occurs, trying to not miss anything along the way. Some times I forego a frozen image to be posted and let it settle into the catalog in my mind to remain a moment for me alone.
We've had so much fun in the last couple of weeks since I've started researching into home schooling and what it entails for the state you live in. Vermont seems to be so relaxed about its approach to education at home, yet there's paperwork and then some to prepare for when the time comes to choose-home school or integrate into the education system that waxes and wanes on its policies, learning styles, hours invested, and content of important material for your children to learn? For now, I am diving into turning every possible moment into a learning experience. And of course, at Tristan's current age, making sure he has fun with learning and social activities we attend.
Books of various types and contents are stacked on the coffee table, stuffed under chairs, packed in boxes lined up like shelves, and we've whittled down to two educational shows that focus on reading and hands on learning. Creativity through hands on learning, games, imagination play, finger play, along with the Montessori method of learning life skills through hands on experience color our days. We attend a local playgroup and a story time for toddlers at the local library for socialization, and I'm looking forward to when its time to work in the gardens again here at home; with the hope for better weather and more time at home this year, along with his love for being outside and exploring his environment, I feel this is going to be a great time for his learning progress. He's very strong willed and very, very independent, so I know those two elements will color his progress. Let alone his two strong willed parents..
So, the days of naps dwindle, schedules and moving activities around have taken over with our method of teaching and learning. My little sponge.....a character indeed.
"Let each man exercise the art he knows." -Artistophanes, 450 BC-388 BC
If that statement doesn't ring true....now how did Kix get in my shoes with the Cheerios? Pass the milk and a spoon....~Mom

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